Friday, December 2, 2011

Top 5 Unbelievable Drunk Driving Stories

5. The man who got arrested for drunk driving on a motorized beer cooler

A man in Noosa, Australia, was arrested for driving down a road on a motorized beer cooler while intoxicated. The defendant faces charges of driving under the influence and driving without a license after police caught him on the makeshift vehicle, which was powered by a 50cc engine. The defendant’s lawyers are currently challenging the notion that the cooler constitutes a vehicle.
4. The teenager who was arrested for drunk driving, called his mom who also got arrested for drunk driving who called her husband who guess what? Was arrested for drunk driving

It must have set a record, but this one South Canterbury family would surely much rather not have, after three of them were booked for drunk-driving on the same night. The saga began about 12.15am when a 15-year-old boy was stopped and arrested for drunk-driving. He blew 529 micrograms per litre of breath, more than three and a half times the youth limit. The teenager was taken to the Timaru police station for processing, where his mother was called to collect him. She was subsequently stopped and arrested for drunk-driving at about 2.14am, after blowing 776 mcg, nearly twice the adult limit of 400.
But it wasn’t over there. The woman then rang her partner to come and pick them both up. He was stopped and arrested on North St at about 3am, when he blew 559mcg.
3. The drunk driver who called the police on herself

A woman in Wisconsin called the emergency to report a drunk driver – which was very civic spirited of her, especially considering that the drunk driver in question was, in fact, her. 49-year-old Mary Strey was driving between Neilsville and Granton in Wisconsin after an evening of over-indulgence when she decided to dial 911 and report herself for driving under the influence.
She began the call with the 911 dispatcher by saying ‘Somebody’s really drunk driving down Granton Road.’ After establishing in which direction the drunk driver was going, the dispatcher asked: ‘You behind them?’ ‘No, I am them,’ Strey replied, with commendable honesty.
Police arrived to find Strey slurring her words, swaying from side to side and unable to perform their sobriety tests. Tests later showed she had a blood-alcohol level double the legal limit.
2. The man dressed as breathalyzer who was arrested for drunk-driving

Ohio student James Miller was stopped by police on suspicion of drunk- in Oxford, Ohio, after he was spotted merrily driving the wrong way down a one-way street, while wearing a breathalyzer costume. Suspicions that he may have been drinking were heightened by the fact that there was an open can of Bud Light by the driver’s seat. Miller’s breathalyzer costume featured a dial with three levels of drunkenness: Boring, Life of the Party, and Sotally Tober.
When confronted, Miller stuffed chewing gum into his mouth, and insisted he hadn’t been drinking. Unfortunately, for the fake breathalyzer, a real blood alcohol test showed he had a level of .158, almost twice the legal limit. He was also found to have multiple IDs on him.
Miller was charged with underage drinking, driving under the influence of alcohol and a one-way street violation. He was released to his girlfriend – but not before featuring in an attractive breathalyzer-costume mugshot that will surely guarantee him lasting internet fame.
1. The employees who had to push drunk boss’s car home

Ten workers in China pushed their boss’s car three miles home after an office party – because they were all too drunk to drive. The group had been enjoying a meal at a restaurant in downtown Changchun, northeast China’s Jilin Province, when they realized their predicament. Boss Zhang Fei announced that he was too drunk to drive and suddenly realized nobody had stayed sober enough to drive his car.
Drink-driving was this year listed as a hazardous crime in China and offenders face up to six months in jail and a heavy fine. Zhang did not want to leave his car downtown and it was too late to call out a substitute driver – so vice president Huang Weiyun suggested they all push him home. Huang pointed out that it was only three miles away and that the exercise would do them all good – so all ten quickly agreed and set off with Zhang at the wheel. Passers-by were stunned to see the group, laughing and singing, as they pushed their boss’s VW car home through the city streets during the 45 minute journey. Traffic officers said that as long as the car’s engine was not running, it would not be classed as drink-driving under Chinese law.


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