Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top 5 Weirdest Protests Around the World

5. Farmers protest by squirting cow milk

Protesters in Brussels have found a new way to show their displeasure: squirting milk straight from a cow at riot police. Farmers angered by collapsing milk prices demonstrated, pelting police with bottles and chickens and spraying officers with milk directly from a cow’s udders. Over 2,500 farmers from across the EU blockaded the area outside the European Union’s headquarters, burning tires and hay outside an emergency meeting of farm ministers. The jittery cow, frightened by firecrackers, sprang loose and chased an office worker down the street. The city has a history of violent protests by farmers, although throwing milk from a cow is more funny than violent.

4. Woman protests against sharks extinction by hanging from a boutique ceiling with fish hooks

Alice Newstead took protesting to the next level when she pierced her skin with oversized fish hooks and hung from the ceiling of a Paris boutique in a campaign over shark extinction.
Alice Newstead, an artist from Watford, used the backdrop of Paris for her fishy protest, painting her body in silver to resemble a shark, before being hoisted into the air with oversized fishing hooks. The painful stunt went on for 15 minutes, as shoppers came to have a gander at the weird protest in the window of cosmetics store Lush. According to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) some 100 million sharks are caught in commercial and sports fishing every year, and several species have declined by more than 80 per cent in the past decade alone.
3. About 300 Canadians protest against a balloon by collectively dropping their trousers at it

In Ontario, Canada, about 300 people dropped their drawers to give a balloon with a surveillance camera trolling the Canada-U.S. border a piece of their derriere. The bare-bottomed activists were protesting the 15-metre-long Aerostat balloon, which is equipped with a high-tech camera capable of identifying the name on a ship 12 to 15 kilometres out in Lake Huron. “We did a quick countdown, everyone did the moon and then dispersed,”_said protest organizer Eli Martin.
Martin said he wants to make it clear to the U.S. that Sarnia residents do not like being watched.
2. Teenager protests against dissections by changing her name to a URL

A 19-year-old Virginia woman has adopted a most unusual method of protest–by changing her name to a website address protesting animal dissection for scientific purposes. Her friends and family still call her Jennifer, however. The former Jennifer Thornburg – whose driver’s license now reads, Cutout – wanted to do something to protest animal dissections in schools. The 19-year-old’s new name is also the Web address for an anti-dissection page of the site for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, where she is interning. The Asheville High School graduate who is working in Virginia said she began opposing dissections in middle school after a class assignment to cut up a chicken wing made her feel uncomfortable. She helped create a policy at her high school that allows students who object to dissections to complete an alternative assignment.
1. Journalist protests against war by throwing both shoes at Bush

Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi became an international hero after flinging both his shoes at Mr Bush during a Dec. 14 2008 press conference. He shouted: “This is a farewell kiss from the Iraqi people, you dog,” as he threw the first shoe, and: “This is for the widows and orphans and all those killed in Iraq,” as he threw the second. Initially sentenced to three years in jail for his protest, he eventually served only nine months. It was alleged that he had been tortured. Mr Bush, meanwhile, demonstrated previously unseen reactions by dodging both shoes sharply. Many touted the act of defiance as a symbol for the common man standing up an American bully, as the act of throwing one’s shoes is considered a harsh insult by Iraqi cultural standards. Al-Zaidi shoes were size 10.


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