Fillico Beverly Hills

Bling H2O
Targeting celebrities who want everyone to know precisely what they're drinking, Bling H2O contains spring water from Tennessee, which won the award for being the best tasting spring water in the world. Then it's filtered nine times, with ozone and UV and whatever else, and put in a frosted glass bottle with a cork that's covered in Swarovski crystals. $24 USD for 750ml. And I thought Penta was bad at $3 USD for the same amount.
Fancy water that's costlier than wine
Just as consumers have embraced the concept that chocolate is no longer merely a candy bar stamped “Nestlé” (the world’s largest water bottler, by the way) and salt is more than crystals in a cylinder labeled “Morton’s,” so too are they coming to appreciate the different tastes and “mouthfeel” of premium waters. Says Mascha, “Bottled water is now making the transition from being considered a commodity to being considered a natural product with its own origin.”
Drinking water is very expe
nsive now, $0,4 just for a quart of water. And our country is rich in water. But there’s more water is extraordinarily expensive price. “Beverly Fillico Hills” is the drinking water from springs that are produced by the company with the name Vieluce in Osaka, Japanese. Source of water used is a spring at the foot of the mountain Rokk?, kobe, Japanese. These springs are known as the best water to produce sake.

Because of this water source is very limited, so every month is only 5,000 bottles produced and per 750 ml can you buy with USD 100 per bottle. Still less? Proved in each of this drinking water production, there wer
e two special bottles called “Kings and Queen ‘with a similar bottle cap with a crown of Emperor Fredrick II of the Roman Empire, and ornamented with Swarovski crystals, available for those who would release USD 230 only to bottles containing 750 ml of water

Not sure why they put "Beverly Hills" in the name, though, since the water is from a spring in Kobe and as of now it is mostly being distributed at the Ritz Carlton in Tokyo.

Bling H2O

Fancy water that's costlier than wine
A few months ago, Madonna’s pal let it slip that the Material Girlfriend spends $10,000 each month for water blessed by Kabbalah rabbis. Other celebrities—namely Jeff Goldblum, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Naomi Campbell and Liz Taylor—reportedly share Madonna’s appreciation, if not her line-item budget, for the stuff.
When it comes to devotion for premium water, however, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, Berg, a bottled water company in Newfoundland, Canada, harvests the Arctic’s natural product of the Ice Age. Michael Mascha, author of Fine Waters and founder of the FineWaters web site, refreezes iceberg water into cubes and uses it to mix martinis. “If you use a very expensive vodka,” he says, “then you should also pay attention to the water.”

Berg is one of the top 10 exclusive bottled waters named by anthropologist-turned-water-expert Michael Mascha— who, incidentally, declines to comment on Madonna’s drink of choice. “I’m talking about water in the epicurean sense,” he says.
Bottled water is the next wine, according to Mascha, and like wine, bottled water has terroir, or a sense of place. But unlike wine, he says, “water is really in touch with the ground.” (Except, that is, in the case of Tasmanian Rain and Cloud Juice, two bottled waters from Tasmania that are collected before raindrops hit the soil). “Water is really an expression of the local geology,” says Mascha.

While Europe and Japan have long-held traditions of drinking luxury water, Claridge’s in London “changed the landscape of how water is perceived in the U.K.” by introducing a water menu. Other properties decided they must have water menus to be on the same level as the distinguished hotel. On the other side of the Atlantic, plying luxury waters are The Blvd restaurant in the Beverly Wilshire Four Seasons hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif.; The Water Works Restaurant and Lounge in Philadelphia, Pa.; and The Setai hotel in Miami, Fla.
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