Saturday, December 3, 2011

10 Most Popular Multiplayer Games

Multiplayer games are hobbies of many teenagers and adults across the globe. Its the best thing where friends can enjoy playing together and bullying each other. Some play just for fun, others play on a serious note. They attend different tournaments and try to become the best players of their favorite game. The gaming world is not so much easy as it seems, if you want to be the best, you gotta work and practice hard.
Here we have compiled a list of 10 most popular multiplayer games played. If you’re a gamer, you’d agree with me I bet!

Warcraft : DOTA
With Icefrog introducing the DOTA maps in Warcraft, it is now being played in almost every part of the world. The game gets really addicting specially when a person is playing with friends and fighting with each other over wrong decisions and battles.
Call of Duty

When we come to shooting, COD 4 and COD 6 are the most popular games being played nowadays. The game has got outstanding graphics and reality which a gamer would love to see.
Medal of Honor
One of the oldest BUT still active multiplayer games of shooting.  Many parts of this game were released, Allied Assault being the best and most played one. Graphics are not much good as the game is old but the game play is awesome and the gamers indulge into the game completely when playing.
Need for Speed
Need for speed beats every game when it comes to racing. Many parts were released of this game. Underground, Underground 2 and Most wanted were the most popular ones that were played online or on LAN.
Counter Strike
Counter Strike 1.6 was played by many gamers before the release of Counter Strike: Source. Graphics improved, game play changed and some other amendments were made to make it more interesting and addicting for gamers.
Age of Empires
When comes strategy games. Age of Empires is at the top. Being one of the oldest and greatest games, it is still played by its lovers. the newer and improved parts have also released.
Strategy, action, graphics, what not is in this game. Battlefield 2 is mostly played nowadays however there are also other parts of this game.
Generals: zero hour
Talk about going on a war with controlling everything? This game is EPIC. Build a whole base with latest technologies and go on war the way you want to.
World of Warcraft
A Blizzard Entertainment game on Warcraft was released after Warcraft 3. It is called Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game and holds a Guinness World Record for most subscribers.
Left 4 Dead
You are all alone. Zombies are around you. You only have three friends with you that could help. You have to escape the area and survive. AWESOME right? HELL YEAH!!!


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