Friday, December 2, 2011

Top 5 Celebrities Who Are Real-Life Heroes

5. Rapper T.I. talks suicidal man off a ledge

While on his way to a recording studio in Atlanta, GA, rapper T.I. heard a news report about a man standing on a 22-story downtown building, threatening to jump to his death. After contacting a radio station that was located within the building, T.I. recorded a video for the man, saying, “Nothing is that bad. Nothing in life is worth taking your life. I’m here to help you. Please come down to talk to me.”
After police showed the man the video, he agreed to step away from the ledge and went inside to have a brief conversation with the rap star. The man was then taken into protective custody and treated at a local hospital for his severe depression.
4. Harrison Ford rescues sick hiker

Harrison Ford has a home in Wyoming, and like a good citizen, he sometimes offers the use of his private helicopter for rescue missions to save his town the $1,000 fee for an airlift. Recently, two young women were hiking on Table Mountain when one of them fell ill and could not make it down the mountain on her own. Her friend called for help on a cell phone, and they were able to move the injured hiker to a nearby meadow to await rescue.
Imagine their surprise when the helicopter landed and they got on board to find that the pilot was non-other than Hollywood superstar Harrison Ford! Wearing a cowboy hat and a simple tee shirt, Ford flew the sick woman to safety… and didn’t even complain when she threw up in his helicopter. What a guy!
3. Ryan Gosling breaks up a street fight

While walking along a New York City street, actor Ryan Gosling spotted a disagreement between a street vendor and another man. Without saying a word, Gosling stepped in and broke up the fight, using his intimidating muscles as incentive to stop the men from becoming physical. Gosling then gave the vendor $20 to end the dispute over the $10 painting, and then he carried on with his business as if nothing had happened.
2. Tom Cruise helps woman who was hit by car

Tom Cruise gets a lot of bad press, but he has also done several heroic acts that don’t get a lot of media attention. In 1996, for instance, Cruise witnessed a woman get hit by a car (which then sped off without stopping) in Los Angeles. Cruise called for help and stayed with the woman until the ambulance arrived. He then followed the ambulance to the hospital, and when he found out that she wasn’t insured, he paid for the whole $7,000 hospital bill himself.
Cruise is also credited in 1996 with saving two young boys from being crushed against a fence by crowds of fans and paparazzi at one of his premiers, and for sending help to a sinking ship while vacationing with then-wife Nicole Kidman. Sounds like a busy year!
1. Kate Winslet rescues elderly woman from burning home

Actress Kate Winslet was staying at British billionaire Richard Branson’s multi-million dollar Virgin Island estate in Summer 2011 when the home was struck by lightning. After Kate made sure that her children were safely outside the house, she went back in and scooped up Branson’s 90 year-old mother, Eve, in her arms, carrying her out of the house to safety. The entire estate then burned to the ground.
Branson, who says he woke up and fled into the night buck-naked, describes how Winslet said, “It was like being on a film set where you’re waiting for the words ‘cut’ but they just don’t come.”


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