Friday, December 2, 2011

10 Ways that Steve Jobs Changed the Technological World

Steve Jobs the visionary in the black turtleneck, who co-founded the technology giant Apple and led a revolution in computing. He passed away last month. However he was a man who had made a great change in the world. There will never be chief executive like him. He has transformed the worlds relationship with technology forever.
Below are the  great changes he made in our lives and the lives of people to come after us.
1. Design
Steve jobs chased after  design rather than chasing after  faster processors. He pursued a minimalistic design and till today that remains the appeal of apple products. Apple then started using metal instead of plastic which was mostly used amongst the  computer manufacturers at that time.
2. Music

Apple launched i-Tunes that had changed the digital music industry for forever. The digital content service that charged for music, its ease of use and tight integration with the popular ipod proved irresistible to consumers.
3. The PC
Apple popularized the idea of the personal computer with the mass produced 8 bit computer enclosed in plastic that became the most successful PCs of the 1980′s.
4. Revolutionized Tablet
He revolutionized another change by bringing the tablet iPad. The sales of this product rose by 183% this year.
5. The Advertisements
Apple had the most innovative marketing over the years. With an early super bowl commercial to mac versus pc stylized advertisement featuring justin long and darkened silhouttes of people listening to their ipods.
6. The iPhone
The iPhone was the  smartphone that had a large responsive touch screen,a minimalistic design and a solid operating system that simply killed all the competitors. Yes KILLED !
7. The Eco System
The ecosystem  concept might  be of Jobs  biggest  contributions to  global business.the idea is simple . Create a closed universe  of hardware ,software  and services thanks to a tight integration to provide superior experience for users.
8. The Mac OSX
The Apple operating systems were always intended to be simpler than their competition windows or linux. This software was  genrally derived from Jobs work at NeXT.
9. Apple Stores
The first apple retail store was in Tyson’s  corner, VA was reportedly met with much skepticism. Ten years and 345  stores later it has inspired even its competitors to do the same.
10. Apple Inc.
Since his return in 1997  Jobs has rebuilt the company  in terms of technology  surpassing  giants like Microsoft. Apple has come up with a new headQuarter that is built on a 2.8 million square foot campus that will house 300,000 square feet of research facilities  a 1000 seat auditorium, a power plant and an underground parking. Steve jobs said it was  going to be the  best office  building in the world.


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