Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Top 5 Worst Holiday Gifts

5. Used Clothes

It’s one thing to need and wear used clothes. It’s something completely different to actually give away used clothes as a Christmas gift. This is a violation of the gift giving code, “thou shall not give used/worn clothing as a gift.” Hand me downs 2-3 sizes too small or too large are simply not welcome. Clearly, used clothing is not going to be warmly received. The giftee will likely feel a bit insulted on the one hand and think you are cheap on the other. Do yourself a favor when considering this one and instead donate used clothing to the Salvation Army.
4. Pet Rocks

Ok, this was a terrible gift when it came out 30+ years ago and is still a terrible gift now. Come on – really!? You might as well give someone a hunk of coal. Sadly, the creator of the pet rock undoubtedly has made a fortune from our hard earned money by selling an item that he probably gets out of his back yard. It does nothing. It has no worthwhile utility. It is not even decorative. Why? Because it’s a ROCK! With a serious risk of getting hit in the head with a pet rock this gift is best left on the shelf.
3. Socks

I will admit – everyone wears socks. They are a common staple of Americana. They can make a fashion statement and keep your feet warm at the same time. But if we get them for a Christmas present, it’s just like we received a dead rabbit. Thoughts of “OMG, really?” flash through our minds; followed by a silent promise to cross the person that gave them to you off of your gift list for next year. Socks are like underwear in that we prefer to purchase these items personally. Anything else is just not civilized.
2. The Inconsiderate Gift

This is a gift that would actually be pretty cool if given under the right set of circumstances. The whole idea (or at least one of them) behind gift giving is to make people feel good. However, if you decide to give your overweight (i.e. fat) boyfriend or girlfriend a year’s membership to the local gym… Well, it may not be received in the loving spirit in which it was intended. Keep in mind the truism, “let the buyer beware” especially if you are gifting for your special someone. Otherwise, a day of cheer could end with you sleeping on the couch. (Image featured at VintageGoodness blog.)
1. The Non-Exchangeable Gift

This is the cardinal sin of gift giving. Never, never, never give the gift that can’t be returned. We live in the age of self-indulgence – it’s sad, but nevertheless, true. We like what we like and, more importantly, we want what we want. Our personal entitlement of gift exchange (a right of humanity if there ever was one) allows for us in the end to receive the most suitable gift. The exchangeable gift therefore, is the gift that keeps on giving… until we get what we want. The non-exchangeable gift is the anathema to all that is good. Just say no to the non-exchangeable.


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