Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Top 5 Rescuers Made To Regret It By The Rescued

5. Richard Batista

In 2001, Dr.Richard Batista donated his kidney to his wife Dawnell, an act which threatened his life and was her ONLY shot at life. What should have resulted in a deep, unbreakable bond instead resulted in her cheating on him within two years with her physical therapist from a karate injury after the transplant. When divorce proceedings were begun in July 2005, she reportedly made it difficult for him to have access to their children. For compensation, Richard wanted $1.5 million. The results were not released to the public, possibly to avoid encouraging other husbands to “donate” kidneys for their relationships.  Maybe just choose your wife more carefully.
4. Dr. Dmitiriy Nikitin

In 2010, Dr.Dmitiriy Nikitin performed a life-saving liver transplant on patient Nelson Fletcha. On June 1, 2011, Fletcha confronted the hero doctor next to his car in a parking lot at night. According to security camera footage, the two seemed to chat amiably for a little while and then, for reasons that were not released, Fletcha took out a gun and then shot his former surgeon to death. He then went into another part of the parking garage and shot himself.  Even though Fletcha’s surgery had gone off without a hitch, the man (who had no criminal record whatsoever) remained withdrawn and angry.  Why he committed this horrible crime, we may never know.
3. Aaliyah Braybrook

While babysitting in 2010, Aaliyah Braybrook noticed that one of the kids under her charge had started a fire by playing with a lighter in the bathroom that had spread out of control. She saved two children and the family pet. Then she was sued for $350,000. Sure it was the parents who sued her instead of the pets or the children (and we all know what litigious little jerks kids can be) but she expressed anger at being treated this way after her lifesaving actions. The lawsuit was dropped after a review of the facts.
2. Mai Van On

A Vietnamese peasant who swam into the middle of lake to save John McCain after he had ejected from his shot down bomber in 1967. Also when ashore allegedly helped defend McCain from vengeful neighbors who wanted to beat and spit on him for bombing their community (his neighbors testified to the truth of this decades later.) In 1995, he reunited briefly with McCain, but otherwise had no contact with him and no mention in McCain’s autobiography. He took this as a snub from McCain, supposedly being bitter about it until he died. This was used to smear McCain to some degree during his 2008 campaign, but frankly, when you’ve just been pulled out a shot down craft and barely saved from drowning and it’s followed by years of systematic torture, do you think you’d be able to remember the face of your savior?
1. James Campbell & Officer Loran Dale Turner

A good Samaritan and highway officer who rescued three people from a car were promptly sued by the persons they rescued from a burning car wreck under circumstances where they certainly would have died. The grounds for the lawsuit primarily centered on the pair of rescuers not dropping an emergency flare during the rescue, resulting in one of the persons being rescued being hit by a car.


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