Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bizarre Divorce Products

5. Coffin for you wedding ring

Give a dead marriage its proper, final resting place. WeddingRingCoffin.com sells the final resting place for your dead marriage’s wedding ring. Don’t forget to choose your custom plaque.
4. Divorce Gift Registry

Did your ex get your favorite tea kettle and plush Egyptian cotton towels in the divorce? Not to worry, now you can head down to Debenhams department store and register for some more. Go ahead and add lots of stuff to your divorce gift registry. Hopefully all those family members who said it wouldn’t last will be willing to chip in and buy you a little, “I told you so gift.”
3. Divorce Cake

We all know that the cake is one of the most important parts of the whole wedding hoopla. Immense amounts of time and energy are put into choosing a design and cake tastings. But what happens when you get divorced? Well, you get a cake. At least that’s according to Larry Bach, the owner of Sprinkles Custom Cakes in Winter Park, Florida. Though his bakery does far more wedding cakes, Mr. Bach admits that he has created a few cakes for women going through a divorce. The trend started about six years ago, and the bakery charges about $185 per cake.
2. Detachable Playhouse for Children of Divorced Parents

Ben Forman designed a unique playhouse called the Detacho Playhouse that incorporate the issue of divorce, something a lot of children face every day yet is ignored by toy makers.
The reconfigurable playhouse lets children of divorced parents “play out” complex domestic issues – it can be configured into separate houses for each parents, and can even be configured to have a separate house for the new partner!
1. Divorce Ring

That’s right – jewelers Spritzer and Furman created this symbolic ring to commemorate the ending of a marriage. At $3,200 it’s a cheap price to pay for saying goodbye to someone you (used to) love.


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