Friday, November 25, 2011

Top 5 Recurring Dreams and What They Mean

5. How’s Your Dental Plan?

You feel something hard rolling around in your mouth and spit it out, only to discover it is one of your own teeth. Or, you look in the mirror and your teeth are all missing. Have you had this dream? This dream is apparently very common, so here it is at number 5.
My interpretation of this dream would be that you are feeling that things are decaying or falling apart in your life. I had no idea, so I looked it up at and they said “…in general, dreams about losing teeth are common and suggest the dreamer feels powerless or out of control in a real life situation.”
This interpretation is very similar to the dream that you are falling (see #2 on this list), but the next two interpretations earn it a space on the list all on it’s own. The first additional interpretation is from “you are having difficulties related to self esteem and speaking your mind”.  In my case, if I ever dreamed my teeth were falling out I would just assume that my body is telling me to cut back on the candy and baked goodies – so’s  second interpretation that “it could be time to see a dentist” is my favorite.
A bit more advice on this topic – if you look in the mirror while you’re awake and your teeth suddenly disappear before your eyes – you are probably just on a bad acid trip. Go find a friend and wait it out…
4. Public Exposure

If you have recurring dreams that you are naked in public, I would suggest that you are afraid you will be exposed. Is there something you are hiding? The experts agree – apparently when you are naked in a dream you are revealing the real you (unless you are Joan Rivers of course).
3. Lost and/or Unprepared

In another amazing show of my talent for stating the obvious, I would say that if you are dreaming about being lost or unprepared, you probably feel unprepared or lost in your real life.
If you can’t get your locker open, can’t find your classroom or your house; or, you’re late for something (a test, a train, a meeting) then you find yourself in this category (and in good company – this is a very common type of dream).
School, career, even a new home – these settings all represent change. If you feel unprepared for changes coming to your waking life, then prepare yourself for dreams furnished with impenetrable school lockers, locked doors, and labyrinthine buildings. agrees with me (with a name like that, of course they would). Their dream dictionary states, “…to dream that you are late for something represents your fear of change and your anxiety about seizing an opportunity. You may feel unready or unworthy in your current circumstances. You may also be conflicted over decisions about your future… Dreams about being at school often mean you are feeling insecure about your social status, your abilities or your performance in a situation.” also has this to add about dreams about locks and school, which I found very interesting: “dreams about locks mean you are frustrated and need to express your feelings about a situation in real life” and “…a dream that takes place in school may also be a metaphor for the lessons you are learning in your life.” adds that “dream[s] of a school locker signify hidden feelings and thirst for knowledge”.
2. Falling

I think everyone has had this dream, which is why it’s in this position on the list. I really wanted to make the recurring toilet-related dreams #2, but could not justify it.
Falling is definitely a sign that you are out of control. According to the these dreams signify a loss of control as well as “a sudden lack of foundation in your life, such as a situation where ‘the rug is pulled out’ from under you”. This makes sense to me, unlike their other interpretation that falling dreams represent “…a feeling or fear of abandonment, especially feeling abandoned by a ‘caretaker’ such as a partner, employer, or by God.”
1. Chased

My superior interpretation skills tell me that if you dream you are being chased – you are probably trying to get away from something.
According to, “you are running away from or trying to hide from something you need to face”. It could be “a feeling you are avoiding, a conflict you don’t want to handle or a difficult memory you would rather forget.”
But wait, let’s end this list on a positive note: the cloak on that shadowy figure chasing you may have a silver lining!  According to the same website, you might actually be running away from something good “like a talent you are not acknowledging or a feeling of love you are not ready to admit”


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