Sunday, January 1, 2012

Top 5 Bizarre Explosions That Shouldn’t Have Happened

5. 50 ton-whale exploded, sopping streets in guts

A whale intended for research exploded on a Taiwanese street in 2004, soaking passersby in blood and guts. The sperm whale, which had died on the beach and was being transported through Tainan for study, burst because of gases building up in its body from decomposition. It soaked several cars and curious pedestrians nearby, forcing residents and business owners to wear masks to clean up the debris. The whale weighed 50 tons and was 55 feet long, making it the largest ever found in Taiwan. It was taken to a Tainan university, which sent it on to the Shi-Tsao natural preserve for study. The whale’s girth took 13 hours, three large lifting cranes and 50 workers to get the creature on trailer truck for its final trip. Despite the mammal’s grisly explosion, enough of the whale remained for it to be researched by marine biologists.

4. Cigarette exploded, causing a smoker to lose six teeth

An Indonesian man lost six teeth and suffered 51 stitches to his mouth after the cigarette he was smoking exploded. Andi Susanto, 31, claims he was riding on a motorbike when the cigarette exploded. He has now received a payment of 5m rupiah ($535) in an out-of-court settlement from the cigarette manufacturers, PT Nojorono Tobacco. Indonesia is one of the largest markets for cigarette manufacturers in the world, with more than 60 percent of men smoking. Susanto, however, is planning to quit.
3. Ipod exploded, almost injuring 11-year old girl and family

Ken Stanborough, 47, from Liverpool, dropped his 11-year-old daughter Ellie’s iPod Touch last month. “It made a hissing noise,” he said. “I could feel it getting hotter in my hand, and I thought I could see vapour”. Mr Stanborough threw the device out of his back door, where within 30 seconds there was a pop, a big puff of smoke and it went 10 ft in the air. According to Mr Stanborough, Apple attempted to silence a father and daughter with a gagging order, offering a refund, only if he agreed to keep it quiet. A number of bloggers have reported cases where iPods have exploded — usually involving older versions of the digital music players.
2. Laptop exploded, during a conference

At a conference in Japan, a Dell laptop suddenly exploded into flames, and lucky for its owner the fiery blast occurred while the PC was sitting on a table and not in his lap. An onlooker reported that the notebook continued to burn, producing several more explosions over the course of about five minutes. We don’t have any further details of the model of the computer in question. In light of the evidence, however, we’d suggest you avoid actually using a laptop on your lap. Ouch!
1. Toilet exploded, leading to a $10 million lawsuit

A man was severely burned when a portable toilet exploded after he sat down and lit a cigarette. Now John Jenkins, 53, and his wife, Ramona Jenkins, 35, of Brave, Pa, are suing a general contractor and a coal company, accusing them of negligence. The lawsuit claims Jenkins’ face, neck, arms, torso and legs were severely burned after the cigarette ignited methane gas leaking from a pipe underneath the toilet unit.


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