Sunday, January 1, 2012

Top 5 Amazing Little Heroes

5. Nathan Thomson
the nine-year-old boy who saved his mother when an armed intruder tried to stab her to death

The boy was stabbed in the face as he fought to save his mum from a knife maniac. Nathan Thomson jumped on Hugh Clark’s back as the drunken thug tried to kill his mother Ena. Clark turned on the little boy and lashed out with the blade, scarring him for life. But Nathan helped save Ena, who was knifed eight times but survived. The attack happened after the drunk offshore worker broke into the Rosyth’s home in Fife.
4. Alexis Goggin

the seven-year-old girl who used her body as a shield to save her mother’s life

Alexis Goggins, a first-grader at Campbell Elementary School, was hailed as an “angel from heaven” and a hero, for jumping in front of an enraged gunman who pumped six bullets into the child as she used her body as a shield to save her mother’s life. The girl’s mother, Selietha Parker, 30, was shot in the left side of her head and her biceps by a former boyfriend, but before he could fire again, Alexis jumped over the seat between her mother and the gunman and begged him not to shoot her mother.
3. Kamal Nepali
the twelve-year-old boy who risked his own life to rescue a baby girl from a 60-foot-deep gorge

A two and half year old toddler, Aradhana Pradhan, was rescued by Kamal Nepali, 12 years, after a team of professional rescuers all gave up having failed to bring the child back up even after repeated attempts. But even after 22 hours of repeated attempts, the rescuers weren’t able to bring the child out. They started fearing the worst and then Kamal arrived at the scene. His elder brother Salum had told him that only a very small and thin person could manage to get through the very narrow gorge to save the girl. “A small girl like our own little sister is trapped in the gorge, would you like to go down to rescue her?” Salum had asked Kamal. Immediately after that Kamal had readied himself to go into the gorge.
2. Isabelle Keeling
the two-year-old girl who called 999 to save her mother’s life

Isabelle Keeling, 2, called the emergency services as her mother Joanne suffered a reaction to latex at their home, and was able to give her name, address and telephone number. She even opened up the front door to let in neighbours and paramedics, who were able to promptly treat her mother. Just the day before, Isabelle had watched an episode of the children’s TV programme Tweenies where she had seen how to call 999.
1. Agustin Robinet
the six-year-old boy who helped his mother to give birth

When his mother began to suffer strong contractions, and was forced to give birth at home, Agustin was the only one who was with her, so he attended his mother at giving birth. Also Agustin was encharged to call his father, who arrived home a few minutes later. When the little boy was asked if he was afraid, he answered: “My mom always says that all women are in pain when they go to have a baby”.


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