Monday, January 9, 2012

Top 5 Unique Reporters

5. The Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes at the US president

During a news conference at his surprise visit to Iraq, President Bush showed great reflexes by dodging a shoe thrown by an angry Iraqi journalist. In the middle of the news conference with Mr Maliki, Iraqi television journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi stood up and shouted “this is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog”, before hurling a shoe at Mr Bush which narrowly missed him. Showing the soles of shoes to someone is a sign of contempt in Arab culture.
With his second shoe, which the president also managed to dodge, Mr Zaidi said: “This is for the widows and orphans and all those killed in Iraq.”

Mr Zaidi, a correspondent for Cairo-based al-Baghdadiya TV, was then wrestled to the ground by security personnel and hauled away. Al-Baghdadiya’s bureau chief told the Associated Press that he had no idea what prompted Mr Zaidi to attack President Bush, although reports say he was once kidnapped by the militia and was beaten up.
The shoe thrower was taken away by security guards and the news conference continued.
Correspondents called it a symbolic incident. Iraq’s central criminal court sentenced Zaidi to three years in prison for assaulting a visiting head of state, but the judge later shortened his sentence to one year. Since his release in September 2009, Zaidi has put his journalistic career on hold and instead has engaged himself in humanitarian work by setting up the Al Zaidi Foundation, a human rights organization for Iraqi civilians affected by the war.
4. The reporter who took her own life on a live TV news broadcast

Christine Chubbuck was the first and only TV news reporter to commit suicide during a live television broadcast. On July 15, 1974, eight minutes into the broadcast, the depressed reporter said “In keeping with Channel 40′s policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts, and in living color, you are going to see another first: an attempted suicide.” With that, Chubbuck drew up a revolver and shot herself in the head.
Three weeks before her suicide, she had asked the station’s news director if she could do a news piece on suicide. After her suggestion was approved, she visited the local sheriff’s department to discuss with an officer methods of suicide. In the interview, an officer told her one of the most efficient ways was to use a .38 caliber revolver with wadcutter target bullets, and to shoot oneself in the back of the head rather than in the temple.
3. The reporter who live tweeted his heart attack

White House correspondent Tommy Christopher with may have made Social Network history as being the first person ever to update his or her Twitter page while having a heart attack. This claim is unverified and likely inaccurate, but nonetheless, it takes a courageous reporter to inform the public even in personal trying times.
Approximately at 6pm on Sunday afternoon Christopher wrote, “I gotta be me. Livetweeting my heart attack. Beat that!” Presumably a few minutes later the paramedics arrived to tell Christopher he would be stable after his crisis. An hour later Christopher joked about needing to own a cardiac cat, referencing a viral video in which a cat is trying to revive his dead feline friend. He also updated his followers about the pain he was feeling, “even after the morphine.”
2. The reporter who did an amazing backwards half court shot

A reporter was making a story in a basketball court and threw a ball. He managed to achieve a shot even better than the one from the story he was telling about.
1. The 5 year-old sports reporter

Joey, a 5-year-old kid reporter for Blackhawks TV, may give professional reporters some competition covering the National Hockey League. Recently, he hit the beat looking for answers for Blackhawks TV on . Joey asked some Blackhawks stars, like Jonathan Toews and Patrick Kane, who the biggest Turkey on the team was. He also asked Duncan Keith how much money the tooth fairy left him for the seven teeth he lost in one game last season.
“A dollar a tooth,” Keith said. The Blackhawks then got to turn the table on Joey and ask him some questions. Joey knew his Hawks jerseys, correctly identifying who wears which numbers. They also asked the 5-year-old how long he’d been a Blackhawks fan.“Six years,” Joey said.


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