Saturday, December 24, 2011

Top 5 Strangest Manias

5. Cartacoethes: uncontrollable compulsion to see maps everywhere

The human brain is wired to recognize faces everywhere, but it turns out that there’s also a strange mania called cartocacoethes: the uncontrollable compulsion to see maps everywhere, even in food, like this Argentinean Milanesa.

4. Gamomania: obsession with issuing marriage proposals

Gamomania can be described as a bizarre obsession with asking people to marry or issuing outrageous proposals to different people at the same time, which in many cases results in polygamy.
3. Onomatomania: irresistible desire to repeat certain words

It’s an obsession with certain words and the repeated intrusion of them into the mind.
2. Clinomania: excessive desire to stay in bed

There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a long lie, particularly on cold, wet wintry days. For the Clinomaniac though, the desire to stay in bed is overwhelming and irresistible and could persist for days on end, particularly when it is raining or snowing. Clinomania comes from Greek meaning the obsession of sleeping. In other words, it is love to bed, pillows and blankets.
1. Demonomania: believing to be inhabited by an evil spirit

There are so many horror films and books that describe and show us vividly what happens with people when they are possessed. People watching too many of such films naturally start to be afraid of such people. Sometimes people become so afraid that the certain manias start to reflect. In the case with demons it is demonomania, a psychiatric term for the belief that one is possessed by the devil. When a person thinks he/she is possessed, he/she really starts to behave as if he/she were obsessed.


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